Teach Your Members to Use Public Records to Stay in Touch with Clients

Teach Your Members How to Use Public Records to Stay in Touch with Clients

We recently talked about how real estate agents can use public records for prospecting. While your public records solution is a powerful tool for accomplishing this, did you know that agents can also stay in touch with past clients, thanks to public records? As the MLS, you are in a unique position to educate your members on how to do this. Here’s how.


How Agents Can Use Public Records to Stay in Touch With Clients

First, let’s dive into how public records can help your MLS subscribers keep in regular contact with their clients.

  1. Anniversary Letter

    • Agents can remind their former clients of the value they brought to the home purchase process, and the value they can continue to offer, on the anniversary of the close date. Rather than a simple “I hope you’re enjoying your new home!” greeting, agents can tap into their public records system to show how the value of their client’s home has changed over the past year. After all, a home is often the biggest purchase of most people’s lives, and knowing how their investment is faring is information that people want to know.
    • Agents can offer a simple market valuation for their clients’ properties, and even pull comparables to show how it ranks against other homes in the area. To facilitate further contact, agents can include a call-to-action that invites homeowners to call them for more information, or even to list their home.
  2. Introduce New Neighbors.

    • Public records give agents insight into what it happening in the neighborhoods they serve, including new home purchases. With public records, agents can see when a home sale has been completed, as well as the names of the new owners. Agents can use this information to notify their clients of when new people have moved into their neighborhood. A simple, friendly postcard along the lines of, “You’ve got new neighbors! Have you met Sally and John at 555 Elm St. yet?” should suffice.
  3. Solicit Referrals From Former Clients.

    • Speaking of new neighbors, CRS Data offers a sample letter that agents can send to former clients near a listing they’ve just signed. It says, “Would you like to choose your new neighbor? I have just listed a home for sale at {234 Street Avenue}. If you know of someone interested in re-locating to your area, please contact me.”

This letter does two key things: it lets former clients know of current market activity in their area while also informing those clients that their agent is the driving force behind that activity. This paints the agent in a positive light and keeps them top of mind.


How MLSs Can Help Agents Leverage Public Records

The items above are just a few ideas to get you started. As the MLS, you undoubtedly have a better idea of what tactics work best in your area, and of what your particular public records solution in capable of.

With that in mind, how can you communicate these ideas to your members? Here are a few simple ways:

  • Training Sessions

    • You can incorporate these ideas into existing webinars or in-person training sessions. Or, if you think the topic would be of enough interest to your subscribers, consider holding a webinar/training event that focuses solely on how agents can stay in touch with clients using public records.
  • On Your Blog

    • Your blog is great place to offer in-depth insight into how to leverage any of the solutions you offer, including public records. You can write a straightforward “how-to” article, or interview agents that have had success using public records to keep in touch, or even create a quick video that talks about this topic and embed it into a blog post.
  • Newsletter

    • Have a print or email newsletter? This is another good place to talk about the capabilities of the solutions you offer. If you want to start simple, use the caption “Did You Know?” and a short blurb about how agents can leverage CRS Data, or the public records solution that your organization uses, to stay in touch with clients.
  • Social Media

    • Short blurbs like the one mentioned above, video, and links to blog posts or training registration firms are all perfect for social media. However you’re spreading the word about the power of public records, be sure to amplify it on social media!
  • Repurpose RE Technology Content

      • Last but not least, don’t forget that as one of our partner MLSs, you are free to repurpose and reuse any content published on RE Technology! We publish plenty of content on using public records, in addition to strategies for keeping in touch. Feel free to use these articles on any of your media channels. You can post them as-is, rewrite them to tailor the message to your members, or even just use relevant snippets. It’s your choice! We’re here to be your partner in technology education.
      • These are just a few ways that MLSs can help their members understand and leverage the power of public records.

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